Zagreb 2023

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Croatia
Chairs: Mia Roth-Čerina, Kristina Careva
16. November, 2023 – 18. November, 2023

July 14 2023_Publication of Call

(Avgust 25, 2023_ Abstract Submission)

September 7. 2023_Abstract Submission_Extended

September 30, 2023_ Registration Opens

November 3, 2023_ Registration Deadline

November 16-18, 2023 _ Conference





Dear CA²RE friends,

We are happy to announce the 14th CA²RE conference under the topic INTERSECTIONS. The conference is hosted by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture and takes place November 16-18 2023. The events are organized in association with ARENA, EAAE and ELIA.

We invite senior staff, advanced researchers, early-career researchers, and those involved in current projects (EU funded and others) to submit in-progress or concluded research projects engaged in design-driven research.

The event planned in Zagreb stems from the conclusions of the Erasmus CA²RE+ research project focusing on design-driven doctoral research and its impact on those that participated in it, titled “Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training”. These conclusions form a basis for examining the impact these doctoral researches have had on a wider research community and its contribution to the achievement of broader art- and culture-oriented goals of new European agendas. It looks at how architectural and artistic doctoral research has been shared: in-between architects and artists, in-between the research and broader communities, and within new research platforms which have promoted a strategy of unifying arts with technology and societal inclusivity (such as the New European Bauhaus). The event invites examples of interdisciplinary and intermedial thinking and doing. Through lectures and sessions, it looks at examples of ongoing and completed doctoral design-driven research, as well as its impact within and outside of academic frameworks. It explores the intersections of academic research and current framing of funded research platforms. The target groups are professors, researchers, students, professionals in architecture, design, and art, policymakers, industry representatives.



We invite researchers from diverse fields of design-driven research of any stage and context to apply for presenting and discussing their projects at the conference.

Contributions from all relevant fields and disciplines are welcome: architectural design, urban design and planning, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture, music, performing arts, visual arts, product design, social design, interaction design, and others.

The call will open mid-June, with a late July deadline. Stay tuned for more info!

Registrations will open in September.


Chair: Mia Roth-Čerina

Advisory board: Joerg Schroeder, Tadeja Zupančič, Roberto Cavallo

Scientific committee: TBA