Some selected presentations was very inspiring for me:
- Viktorija Bogdanova, because of all her beautiful drawings and the fact that she really just goes for what she believes is interesting. And her drawings from the exhibition helped me to remember to use my creative skills in my work as well, in my case that will involve craftsmanship with the materials.
- ‘How to use a monument’ by Or Haklai, Enrico Chinellato; because of their interesting process
- ‘Wild gardens’ by Silvia Maria Mundula, because of her topic which really interests me as well, and helped me to realize I should just focus on what’s Triggers me in my work.
- ‘The Potential of a Tectonic Approach for the Experiential Qualities of Architecture’ by Tim Simon-Meyer, he have an similar approach as I plan to, including materials, students, building workshops and tectonics. An inspiring presentation for me, indeed!
Discussions after the presentations, both with the presenters and with the audience was often interesting and helped me to get to know new people and with them discuss my work.