There were a few presentations that covered the blurry area between architecture and arts, and it was these in particular that further deepened my understanding. (example the presentation from TU Delft/University of Trieste on Geometries of Time; and Hebrew University ‘How to Use a Monument’).
/ Impact
Ljubljana 2021
Maria Hansen
Ljubljana 2021
Just as an example, I can mention the opposing approaches of two presenters’ use of historical data. I was panel member for both presentations: Pablo Gamboa’s research centres around the typological classification of campuses in South America and Milijana Niković’s research uses films as an investigative/speculative instrument to inquire the disruptions in the history of Belgrade’s urbanscape. Although, at first glance one seems to be rooted in typology and the other in media studies, both negated historiography as an active knowledge formation in their research. Both researchers, focusing on the instrumentality of their medium of research (campuses/typology and film/montage), use history (or historical material) as a database rather than a knowledge domain. This leads to the oversight of the significance of the epistemic dimension of research in general. Therefore, I have been contemplating on the nature of design-driven research in terms of the definitions of “design” and “design objectives” in conjunction with the underlying research agendas: how (much) does the design driven aspects of the research contribute to the meta-frame of the research?
Panel member
Ljubljana 2021
Having again seen the different evaluation approaches but also methodological framing in the discussions has made me recalibrate my understanding of the disciplinary boundaries of architectural research. The interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary agendas are becoming more pertinent and tangible yet that seems to be not well addressed by the researchers prioritising their design objectives over the objectives of research.
Panel member
Ljubljana 2021
The impact of the conference is evident through reformulation of my research hypothesis in the reverse paradigm of interiorized/ exteriorized public spaces.
Panel member
Sarah Javed Shah
Ljubljana 2021
The Keynote “Reformulation and Creativity” impacted my way of thinking of what I already know from a different perspective and how to bring novelty and appropriateness in my research.
Sarah Javed Shah
Ljubljana 2021
I will try to improve the use of the formula of discussing in front of artefact more than slides and the one of parallel panel sessions alternate with collective moments
Panel member
Gennaro Postiglione
Ljubljana 2021
As I am underway to more senior roles and positions, the impact consists of inspiration – energy – to clearer identify my agendas and positions, but also to affiliate with partners and their schools of thought to realise these. Moreover I am confident that the newly started conversations with doctoral researchers, supervisors and administrators will lead to collaborations. I will also aim to contribute to future CA2RE+ events (and the like).
Panel member
Ljubljana 2021
Conversations lead to potential new collaborations across universities, and across disciplines. Energy!
Panel member
Hamburg 2021
Enhanced clarity on how (practice-driven) theory and (theory-driven) practice come together in the research.
Taufan ter Weel
Hamburg 2021
I will incorporate this experienced impact 1. in the theoretical reflection on DDDr describing its generative and transformative impact 2. In the institutional framing by advocating for the use of these practices in teaching and doctoral supervision 3. In organizing workshops specifically for doctoral students.
Panel member
Hamburg 2021
Introduction of multifaceted experimental practices in teaching fields. One topic that sheds new light on this impact to new light was the use of teaching practices (for instance in Anita Szentesi’s work) in DDDr. In this regard, a transformative experience through many different teaching spatial practices such as film and model building was described. The impact DDr has in teaching should be more documented and addressed.
Panel member
Hamburg 2021
I am a practicing architect and I see this research impacting my future projects in their model-building investigative stage and I also want to find opportunity to teach this in Universities so that students have a way of working digitally from a standpoint of ‘live’ design objects whose material properties are attached/ engaged with space.
Hamburg 2021
In this reflective stage of my research I did find it necessary to do one last experiment which became a kind of container of all previous experiments while focusing the work on the scientific contribution. In this last ‘test’ the scientific contribution finally became clear: a technique of digital modeling – from the point of (digital) material properties so that the digital design object could provide feedback to influence the design because its material properties were able to connect to spatial influences, in other words the digital object being designed was not neutral but had agency due to its material and spatial interactions and these were communicated in an intuitive, (almost*) haptic interface. *the Sensor Models are still quite buggy and so this haptic interface is not smooth while still able to provide some sense of the object.
Hamburg 2021
Again the trigger for me seemed to be having to organize my research in the categories given by Prominski and von Seggern. In stepping out of the research itself and sorting the body of work into these categories and then presenting the research through this lens. I think it also helped the audience follow the research goal and results. One of my critics commented something like ‘of course I have read a lot about the problem you are investigating as your research topic but I have never seen anyone attempt to do something to address this problem’, then I knew that I was able to communicate the goals and results clearly to persons unfamiliar with my research. So one could say, as a Final Stage research I was able to enter the area of reflecting on the work in order to see clearly what it was contributing to our practice.
Hamburg 2021
In one of the presentations I attended, obviously the background of the presenter and the panel did not match. However, the dialogue translated into a reflective feedback loop that created a mutually shared understanding.
Panel member
Hamburg 2021
The formulation of research objectives differs between early, mid- and final stage of research. The candidates seem to benefit from exposure to different perspectives, so that the design-driven aspects of research appears to be better contextualised in later stages of the research. Whereas, in the early stage candidates, I observe two main tendencies. Either they lean on the design act or processes or show difficulties in narrowing down to clarify the main axis of the research.
Panel member
Hamburg 2021
This event ensured and encouraged me to collaborate with people from different disciplines.
Hamburg 2021
Each CA2RE+ event helps me to get a bit closer what can be considered as DDDr. Encountering different interpretations and approaching from multiple perspectives were challenging yet promising for a research to identify and claim their own niches.
Hamburg 2021
I will further incorporate the impact in my further work by (1) my continued efforts for being open to all the signals (verbal, non-verbal and ‘between the lines’) in doctoral presentations, (2) by picking up these signals immediately and (3) by making the candidate attentive to his/her own signals in the subsequent panel conversation.
Johan Van Den Berghe
Hamburg 2021
Dirk Bahmann’s presentation triggered my statement that the moment when the candidate is coming to the overarching insight in his/her PhD IS the PhD itself. Subsequently I could see how Dirk immediately understood what I was trying to say, and that this was a liberating moment for him in his PhD. Lena Ehringhaus’s presentation triggred a comparable moment, when I could see more deeply rooted themes that were implicitly there and that I could make explicit in my comments as a panel member.
Johan Van Den Berghe
Hamburg 2021
Understanding of transferrability of knowledge to/from DDDr improved due to the explicit way I could give feedback as a panel member.
Johan Van Den Berghe