Dwelling, the Conversation Pieces



Presentation / discussion and Selection


Abstract, Paper / artefact, and Poster


Sam Dieltjens

Fragments from proceedings (‘artefact submission’)’:


As a stage and framework, architecture is a well-developed medium for surrounding art. As a reference, art – by shape or meaning – serves architecture as an inspiration. What is of interest for the PhD project is if the architecture practice can learn from artistic practice, within its own act of space making. Probably there are design strategies to mutate or translate, in addition to the thinking in alignment, symmetry, solid/void, constructive details, harmony (in material, color or proportion) and other properties most architects are familiar with. The PhD project Dwelling, the Conversation Pieces aims at staging a productive dialogue between two disciplines. The goal is to set up several exhibitions that materialize conversations by using artefacts produced by the architects together with a carefully made selection of invited artists. By exhibiting the artefacts, the conversation becomes public and can be circumstantially debated by specialists from several disciplines. In his book, Iñaki Ábalos takes you on a guided visit to exemplary houses erected in the 20th century categorized according to seven different contemporary philosophies1. Seven worldviews relate to seven ways of structuring the home, both in the sense of constructing, orienting and the taking positions in the power relations of public life. By naming the parallels between philosophies and architecture, Ábalos underlines related ways of seeing the world through the spatial setting, the construction method and the chosen materials. Ábalos helps me to look at the shaped world as a field of opinions and designed intentions. By positioning different artefacts in relation to each other, at least one emerging meaning should speak of dwelling, the verb and dwelling, the object. Another one will report on the different ways of experiencing and imagining dwelling and by doing so, will bring forward a deepened exchange between art and architecture. For the CA2RE conference I will exhibit artefacts that illustrate a first collaboration. In this selection the design strategy of animism is on display. Human characteristics here work in relation with ‘telling’ architecture. As described above, these pieces aim to provoke a conversation.

Dwelling; artefacts; substantiating worldviews; design the conversation; interdisciplinary

I believe that by this selection of objects the design strategy of animism is on display, where recognisable human features work in service of art and architecture when transmitting messages.