Delft 2022 – Ipek Avanoglu – Triggers

The discussion sessions/panels at the very begining and the end of the event were especially effective in engaging me into the understanding of the importance of developing a community on DDDr projects. Bringing together various perspectives from different institutions, I got the opportunity to be aware of arguable and ambigious positions of artistic research in PhD research, especially in relation to scientific workability. The following questions, do we need an agenda for DDDr projects, how to develop one that welcomes many voices and sustains and how to carry out these, are some of the questions from the event that still ocuppy my mind.

Delft 2022 – Nina Bačun – Triggers

I really liked openness of some panel speakers and presenters. Softened Boundaries between disciplines, and criteria that is high. New definitions of things we take for granted, in relation to research. I loved discussions on various recommendations, starting with questions we ask ourselves in different phases of DDR research, or research in general. Constructive critique/s. In conclusion, this conference gave me strength to approach to my research in experimental way, to trust my intuition, and to open eyes to all the stimulus around. Also it made me rethink relations between things I investigate, and their different scales that matter.

Delft 2022 – Nina Bačun – Evidence

I will seriously rethink the title of my research. After CA2RE+ I find it much easier to frame the scale of the case studies I will approach to, and scale in general, since I usually have problem with narrowing things down. My tendency is always wider perspective, one should know when to stop.

Delft 2022 – Carla Bulone – Transformation

I guess to incorporate the impact of my experience by reworking my critical sense as an architect/researcher, improving my positioning with respect to the research topic, and avoiding my research becoming just a container of data.

Delft 2022 – Eva Demuynck – Areas

Following the presentations of other PhD researchers and discussing my own research with them (and with the other attendees of the conference) really gave me a lot of new insights, ideas, energy to put back into the research. I also got a better idea of the variety of ways in which design can ‘function’ within a research project.

Delft 2022 – Marta Fernandez Guardado – Areas

The preparation for the presentation was surely an important step for my dissertation, since it was the first time that I tested its overall arch, from the begging to the most recent conclusions, in a compressed and concrete manner. During the time before the conference, I became aware about the whole argument of my thesis, and about what are the key aspects and what is additional information that is not crucial for its understanding. It was a very challenging and regarding work. This was possible only because I knew that in Ca2re I would present it to an audience that would see it for the first time, as it is not the case when I present in my home institution. The audience and panelists were really generous with their feedback, beyond the presentation time. Their comments helped me to evaluate the legibility of the overall narration, to uncover unforeseen potentials, and to connect my work to the work of others. Also the critics that arose during and after my presentation had total sense for me. After this experience I will surely be able to describe my work in a more accurate and concise way. For me, the experience of Ca2re is not only the presentation and feedback, but also the opportunity of developing close connections with other candidates, panelists and participants, many warm and intelligent people with similar interests. I am very happy to feel accompanied, supported and understood, which gives me motivation to conclude my dissertation journey. Ca2re is not only an evaluation program but a boost of energy for continuing my research!

Delft 2022 – Marta Fernandez Guardado – Triggers

In the evening after my presentation it was the first time that I became aware about the fact that I am actually getting close to the end of my dissertation, that I have actually managed to get “there”. It was a very special moment!

Delft 2022 – Marie Porrez – Triggers

Firstly, my considerations were triggered during the introductions of the different universities and the phd candidates that gave a short presentation there. Besides this, it was not specifically from one or more specific presentations, but mostly from the discussions, which proved very interesting for me. Although it didn’t always offer one clear ‘answer’, the different directions that were offered during the discussion were good to question my own work in different ways. Certainly when I had my own presentation, the discussion and questions gave some intruiging new angles to approach it.

Delft 2022 – Maria Høgh-Mikkelsen – Transformation

After the feedback, I feel confident that I am on the right track applying a phenomenological approach and using auto-ethnographical methods in my research in order to bring out deep reflections and insights from my own lived experience as a designer.

Delft 2022 – Gianluca Croce – Triggers

The most evident impact was certainly in the context of the “Artefacts,” as the materials presented highlighted, in a more evident way, both the potential and any shortcomings of the proposed projects.

Delft 2022 – Nina Bačun – Areas

All mentioned above is right. As I wrote in an email some days ago, I am still high on CA2RE+, for me it was amazing to discover all those different roads that research could take. And most important thing to position yourself in this wide network of interesting humans.

Ljubljana 2021 – Berilsu Tarcan – Triggers

When i was presenting my textile artefacts, we discussed how they relate to my theoretical approaches, and I explained how making these artefacts in different environments allowed me to theorise more about more-than-human approaches and traditional knowledge.

Ljubljana 2021 – Berilsu Tarcan – Evidence

i was giving some examples for how the textiles I created match with the writings from my personal research diaries, using autoethnographical documentation. It really made me realise how much they are interwoven with each other. Creating these textiles also helped me realise how nomadic societies were living and creating artefacts. Showing them together in the conference made me more aware of how they are connected to each other.

Ljubljana 2021 – Valentina Dall’Orto – Evidence

The Evidence of the impact described lies primary in the shifting from a descriptive research to a critical interpretation of the topic. In particular, I received very useful advices regarding the tools that I am using in the research

Ljubljana 2021 – Miljana Niković – Evidence

Right after the presentation, during the discussion with the panelists, it became clear that I have to take a new direction in terms of “design”. The last day, during the general feedback, it was certainly very helpful to hear the observer’s comments about my presentation, as well as peers who contributed with additional remarks.